Our Policies


Fevzi Gandur Logistics is committed to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001 and Quality Management Systems requirements in all its work.

  • A quality management system has been implemented that facilitates customer focused approach, continual improvement of services, establishment of quality objectives and communication throughout the organization and the review of the effectiveness for continuing suitability.
  • In all areas of services, continual improvement of quality is always first priority. Therefore, the management has established necessary objectives and targets and provided the necessary resources to achieve them.
  • By using Risk and Opportunity Management, protection of company assets and values​, acting in line with legal requirements while eliminating risks and gaining the trust of stakeholders is aimed.


  • Achievement of customer satisfaction by ensuring that the customer’s requirements are met, is the primary rule of the company. To comply with the contract requirements and any other requirement our companies committed to the customer, is essential.


  • The management philosophy of the company is to comply with the applicable law and regulations, to respect the environment and the community, to be in mutually beneficial relationship with its suppliers and to value its employees.


  • Companies carry out their work in line with this policy. The management ensures that this policy is understood and applied by each employee. This will be achieved with effective training and communication programs.
  • The management of the companies will review the quality system at planned intervals to ensure that the policy and objectives are understood, the performance of the system is improved and the customer satisfaction is met.


Information Security Policy

As Fevzi Gandur Logistics, in order to manage all kinds of risks to our information assets, we commit to the following:

  • Documenting, certifying, and continuously improving our information security management system to meet the latest requirements of the ISO 27001 standard.
  • Complying with all legal regulations and contractual obligations related to the security of information obtained through business processes.
  • Systematically managing risks to information assets.
  • Conducting training sessions to develop behavioral competencies aimed at increasing employee awareness regarding current cyber risks.
  • Ensuring a secure infrastructure for information security by managing our information security management system in an integrated manner with other management systems we implement.

Environment Policy

As Fevzi Gandur Logistics, in order to protect the environment, use natural resources efficiently, leave a cleaner and more livable environment for future generations by preventing pollution, our company commits to comply with the following items and to continuously improve :

  • To provide environmental training to all employees from senior management to the lowest unit; encourage them to play an active role and take responsibility in environmentally friendly activities;
  • To establish and continuously improve a structure that identifies environmental risks that may occur during its activities at their source and eliminate them in accordance with legal regulations.
  • To implement a resource management that includes natural resources and other resources with a sustainable development approach.
  • To comply with all legal regulations and other requirements in force regarding the environment.
  • To implement an Environmental Management System in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard in line with the designated purpose and goals and to ensure its continuity and development.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

As Fevzi Gandur Logistics, with all our employees, subcontractors, visitors and other relevant parties within the organizational structure;  we commit to create and develop a corporate culture that supports the expected results of the OHS management system and to manage it with a sustainable system, by complying to the following items;

  • To provide safe conditions to protect against dangers and risks that may arise from existing activities; to ensure the comfort and continuity of operating and working conditions,
  • To carry out all activities with a sense of responsibility and an effective understanding, to keep participation, incentive and consultation channels open in the system by organizing trainings that will raise awareness about all our relevant internal and external issues,
  • To plan occupational health and safety activities and take precautions with a proactive approach in order to protect employees and relevant parties while planning its routine / non-routine activities,
  • To monitor, measure and improve compliance obligations to ensure their continuity, accepting legal requirements and other conditions as minimum standards,
  • To carry out activities with risk-reducing and manageable actions by taking the necessary precautions to prevent work accidents, occupational diseases, injuries and health deterioration,

Quality, Environmental, OHS and Information Security Management System have been established, implemented and continuously improved within the scope of the activities of our company’s head office in Giyimkent \ Esenler, Istanbul